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Unveiling the Marvels of Beryllium: A Journey into the Element's Fascinating World


Explore the wonders of Beryllium in our latest blog post on Only Science 360. Beryllium Science Chemistry Innovation Periodic Table Chemistry

Welcome, science enthusiasts, to another captivating exploration into the wonders of the periodic table! Today, we set our sights on a remarkable element known as Beryllium. Despite its unassuming appearance, this element harbours intriguing properties and applications that promise to dazzle and inspire.

Unraveling the Mystique of Beryllium

What is Beryllium?

Beryllium, with the atomic number 4 and symbol Be, is one of the lightest metals in the periodic table. Its name is derived from the mineral beryl, which was first isolated.

Properties of Beryllium:

Let's delve into the fascinating characteristics that define this remarkable element:

Property Description
Atomic Number 4
Atomic Symbol Be
Atomic Mass 9.012182 u
Melting Point 1560 K (1287 °C, 2349 °F)
Boiling Point 2742 K (2469 °C, 4476 °F)
Density 1.85 g/cm3(R.T.) 1.690 g/cm3(When Liquid)
Color Steel gray
Hardness Extremely hard
Conductivity Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
Toxicity Highly toxic when inhaled in the form of dust

Applications of Beryllium:

Despite its toxicity in certain forms, Beryllium finds extensive use in various industries, thanks to its unique properties:

  • Aerospace and Defense: Beryllium's lightweight and high-strength qualities make it an ideal choice for aerospace components and missile guidance systems.
  • Electronics: Its excellent thermal conductivity and low neutron absorption make Beryllium a crucial component in nuclear reactors and X-ray equipment.
  • Telecommunications: Beryllium-based alloys are used in satellite systems and communication devices for their exceptional rigidity and thermal stability.

Exploring the World of Beryllium

As we journey deeper into the realm of Beryllium, we uncover a realm of possibilities that underscore its importance across diverse fields. From aerospace advancements to groundbreaking innovations in electronics, the impact of this unassuming element reverberates far and wide, shaping the course of scientific progress.

In conclusion, Beryllium stands as a testament to the boundless wonders of the periodic table, beckoning us to delve deeper into its mysteries and unlock the secrets it holds. So, let us embrace the allure of Beryllium and continue our relentless pursuit of scientific discovery.


Explore the wonders of Beryllium in our latest blog post on Only Science 360. Beryllium Science Chemistry Innovation Periodic Table

ChatGPT: What you do not know!

ChatGPT: What you do not know!

Discover ChatGPT, the AI program trained by OpenAI to engage users with accurate information through advanced algorithms and transformer encoding what


ChatGPT is an innovative and cutting-edge artificial intelligence program that has been trained by OpenAI. This program is designed to engage with users in a conversational manner and provide them with useful information on a wide range of topics. ChatGPT uses machine learning algorithms to understand the context of a conversation and provide relevant responses, making it a handy tool for anyone looking to learn something new or get help with a particular problem.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a large language model that has been trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet. It uses a neural network architecture that allows it to understand natural language input and generate appropriate responses. The model was trained using unsupervised learning, meaning that it was given no specific task to complete but rather left to explore and learn patterns in the data on its own. This training method has allowed ChatGPT to develop a remarkable ability to understand the nuances of language and generate responses that are both accurate and relevant.

How does ChatGPT work?

When a user engages with ChatGPT, they are presented with a chat interface where they can input their questions or statements. ChatGPT then uses algorithms to analyze the input and determine the best response. The program uses a technique known as a transformer to encode the input and generate a corresponding output. These transformers allow ChatGPT to understand the context of a conversation and provide more accurate and relevant responses. Additionally, ChatGPT has been pre-trained on a wide range of topics, allowing it to provide information on everything from mathematics to history to current events.

Why is ChatGPT important?

ChatGPT represents a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. The program has many potential applications, from customer service to education to personal assistants. It can provide users with real-time information on a wide range of topics and help them solve problems in a more efficient and effective manner. Additionally, ChatGPT has the ability to learn and adapt over time, making it an even more valuable resource as it continues to evolve.


ChatGPT is an impressive and highly innovative program that represents a significant step forward in the field of artificial intelligence. Its ability to engage with users in a conversational manner and provide accurate and relevant responses makes it an incredibly useful tool for anyone looking to learn something new or solve a particular problem. As technology continues to evolve, ChatGPT is likely to play an increasingly important role in our lives, providing us with real-time information and assistance whenever we need it.

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Quadrant (beecrowd-->1115) Problem Solution

Quadrant (beecrowd-->1115) Problem Solution

Here we are going to solve the problem 1115-Quadrant. We will divide this process into certain sections to make it easier. And it will also help us solve other problems faster.

The problem:

Write a program to read the coordinates (X, Y) of an indeterminate number of points in the Cartesian system. For each point write the quadrant to which it belongs. The program finishes when at least one of two coordinates is NULL (in this situation without writing any message).


The input contains several test cases. Each test case contains two integer numbers.


For each test case, print the corresponding quadrant to which these coordinates belong, as in the example.

Understanding the problem:

Write a program to read the coordinates (X, Y) of an indeterminate number of points in the Cartesian system.

In this line, it is said that you have to read the coordinates of some points with the x-axis and y-axis values. The number of points is indeterminate. So we understand that we don't know how many inputs will be given. But every time there will be two numbers (X and Y). This tells us to create a loop. But running an infinite loop is not very good. In this case, we will run this loop maximum of 100 times. So what we get is:

For each point write the quadrant to which it belongs. The program finishes when at least one of two coordinates is NULL (in this situation without writing any message).

Now that we took the inputs (X Y), we have to analyze them. Here it says to search for the quadrant the point belongs to. And when one of the axis values will be 0 we will break the loop which will end the program.  We can see in the image below the values of x and y in each quadrant.

So our conditions for checking which quadrant the point is in will be:

Now that we understand the problem we can write the program. The full Solution is:

Lithium - Only Science


Lithium chemical element symbol Li atomic number 3 λίθος soft and silvery-white alkali metal flammable highly reactive heat-resistant  lithium-ion

Lithium is a chemical element with the symbol Li and atomic number 3. The name Lithium came from Greek: λίθος, romanized: lithos, lit. 'stone'. It is a soft and silvery-white alkali metal. It is the least dense metal and the least dense solid element under standard conditions. Lithium is highly reactive and flammable.

Lithium and its compounds have several industrial applications as heat-resistant glass and ceramics, lithium grease lubricants, flux additives for iron, steel, and aluminum production, lithium batteries, and lithium-ion batteries. These uses take up more than three-quarters of lithium production.

In 1817, Johan August Arfwedson, then working in the laboratory of the chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius, detected the presence of a new element while analyzing petalite ore. This element formed compounds similar to those of sodium and potassium, although its carbonate and hydroxide were less soluble in water and less alkaline. Berzelius gave the alkaline material the name "lithion/lithina", from the Greek word "λιθoÏ‚"  which transliterated as lithos, meaning "stone", to reflect its discovery in a solid mineral, as opposed to potassium, which had been discovered in plant ashes, and sodium, which was known partly for its high abundance in animal blood. He named the metal inside the material "lithium".

Physical properties

AppearanceSilvery White
Atomic weight6.94
Atomic number3
GroupGroup 1-> Hydrogen and Alkali metals
PeriodPeriod 2
Electron configuration*1s2s1
Electrons per shell2, 1
Phase at STP(Standard Temperature and Pressure)Solid
Melting point453.65 K ​or 180.50 °C or ​356.90 °F.
Boiling point1603 K ​or 1330 °C or ​2426 °F.

Density at room temperature

when liquid 

0.534 g/cm3

0.512 g/cm3

Triple point*2.177 K, ​5.043 kPa
Critical point*3220 K, 67 MPa
The heat of fusion (H2)3.00 kJ.mol-1
Heat of vaporization136 kJ.mol-1
Molar heat capacity24.860 J(mol·K)-1
Vapor pressure

1 Pa: 797

10 Pa: 885

100 Pa: 995

1000 Pa: 1144

10000 Pa: 1337

100000 Pa: 1610

Atomic properties

Oxidation states*+1 (a strongly basic oxide)
Electronegativity*Pauling scale-> 0.98
Ionization energies*1st--> 520.2 kJ/mol
2nd--> 7298.1 kJ/mol
3rd--> 11815.0 kJ/mol
Atomic radius152 pm
Covalent radius*128 ± 7 pm
Van der Waals radius*182 pm


  1.  A block of the periodic table is a set of elements unified by the orbitals their valence electrons or vacancies lie in.
  2.  The electronic configuration is the arrangement of electrons in energy levels around an atomic nucleus.
  3.  The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three phases of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
  4.  A critical point is the endpoint of a phase equilibrium curve.
  5.  The oxidation state sometimes referred to as oxidation number, describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound.
  6.  Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons to itself.
  7.  In physics and chemistry, ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule.
  8. The Atomic Radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atoms, usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding shells of electrons.
  9.  The covalent radius is a measure of the size of an atom that forms part of one covalent bond.
  10.  The Van der Waals radius of an atom is the radius of an imaginary hard-sphere representing the distance of closest approach for another atom.

Source: Wikipedia, Brittanica



Helium He atomic number atomic weight symbol crystal structure electron configuration name physical state noble gas Wikipedia Britannica triple point

Helium is that the element with the symbol He and no 2. With a typical relative mass of 4.002602. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas. It has the lowest boiling and melting point amongst all other elements. Helium is present at about 24% of the total elemental mass. This amount is more than 12 times of all the heavier elements combined. 

The first evidence of helium was observed on August 18, 1868. It was observed as a bright yellow line with a wavelength of 587.49 nanometers in the spectrum of the chromosphere of the Sun. The line was detected by French astronomer Jules Janssen during a total solar eclipse in Guntur, India.

Physical properties

Appearance A colorless gas, exhibiting a gray, cloudy glow when placed in an electric field or reddish-orange if an especially high voltage is used
Atomic weight 4.003
Atomic number 2
Group Group 18: Noble gases
Period Period 1
Block s-block*
Electron configuration* 1s2
Electrons per shell 2
Phase at STP(Standard Temperature and Pressure) Gas
Melting point 0.95 K, −272.20 °C, ​−457.96 °F (at 2.5 MPa)
Boiling point 4.222 K, −268.928 °C, ​−452.070 °F

Density at STP

when liquid (at m.p.)

when liquid (at b.p.)

0.1786 g/L

0.145 g/cm3

0.125 g/cm3

Triple point* 2.177 K, ​5.043 kPa
Critical point* 5.1953 K, 0.22746 MPa
The heat of fusion (H2) 0.0138 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization 0.0829 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity 20.78 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure

100 Pa: 1.23 K

1000 Pa: 1.67 K

10000 Pa: 2.48 K

100000 Pa: 4.21 K

Atomic properties

Oxidation states* 0
Electronegativity* Pauling scale- No data
Ionization energies* 1st: 2372.3 kJ/mol
2nd: 5250.5 kJ/mol
Covalent radius* 28 pm
Van der Waals radius* 140 pm


  1.  A block of the periodic table is a set of elements unified by the orbitals their valence electrons or vacancies lie in.
  2.  The electronic configuration is the arrangement of electrons in energy levels around an atomic nucleus.
  3.  The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three phases of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
  4.  A critical point is the endpoint of a phase equilibrium curve.
  5.  The oxidation state sometimes referred to as oxidation number, describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound.
  6.  Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons to itself.
  7.  In physics and chemistry, ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule.
  8.  The covalent radius is a measure of the size of an atom that forms part of one covalent bond.
  9.  The Van der Waals radius of an atom is the radius of an imaginary hard-sphere representing the distance of closest approach for another atom.

Source: Wikipedia, Brittanica



Hydrogen is that the element with the symbol H and no 1 chemistry relative mass element abundant baryonic mass only science Henry Cavendish plasma 1

Hydrogen is that the element with the symbol H and no 1. With a typical relative mass of 1.008, hydrogen is that the lightest element within the table. Hydrogen is that the foremost abundant chemical substance within the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen within the plasma state. the foremost common isotope of hydrogen, termed protium (name rarely used, symbol 1H), has one proton and no neutrons.

Hydrogen was discovered by Henry Cavendish in 1766 and named by Antoine Lavoisier in 1783.

Physical properties

Appearance Colorless Gas
Atomic weight 1.008
Atomic number 1
Group Group 1: Hydrogen and Alkali metals
Period Period 1
Block s-block*
Electron configuration* 1s1
Electrons per shell 1
Phase at STP(Standard Temperature and Pressure) Gas
Melting point (H2) 13.99K (−259.16°C, −434.49°F)
Boiling point (H2) 20.271K (−252.879°C, −423.182°F)

Density at STP

when liquid at m.p. (Melting point)

0.08988 g/L

0.07 g/cm3 (solid: 0.0763 g/cm3)

Triple point* 13.8033 K, 7.041 kPa
Critical point* 32.938 K, 1.2858 MPa
The heat of fusion (H2) 0.117 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization (H2) 0.904 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity (H2) 28.836 J/(mol· K)
Vapor pressure

15K: 10000P

20K: 100000P

Atomic properties

Oxidation states* −1, +1 (an amphoteric oxide)
Electronegativity* Pauling scale: 2.20
Ionization energies* 1st: 1312.0 kJ/mol
Covalent radius* 31±5 pm
Van der Waals radius* 120 pm


  1.  A block of the periodic table is a set of elements unified by the orbitals their valence electrons or vacancies lie in.
  2.  The electronic configuration is the arrangement of electrons in energy levels around an atomic nucleus.
  3.  The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three phases of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
  4.  A critical point is the endpoint of a phase equilibrium curve.
  5.  The oxidation state sometimes referred to as oxidation number, describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound.
  6.  Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons to itself.
  7.  In physics and chemistry, ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule.
  8.  The covalent radius is a measure of the size of an atom that forms part of one covalent bond.
  9.  The Van der Waals radius of an atom is the radius of an imaginary hard-sphere representing the distance of closest approach for another atom.

Source: Wikipedia

Why do we sweat?

Why do we sweat?

Why do we sweat only science work hard Sweating stinky sodium, chloride potassium, calcium, and magnesium Eccrine Apocrine glands puberty breast groin

Whenever we work hard or we are nervous or sick, we start sweating. The heart begins to beat faster. Why do we sweat? Where does the sweat suddenly come from?

Sweating can be stinky but it is also a natural cooling process of your body. Our bodies can sweat for various reasons. When your body temperature rises from exercise, heat, stress, or hormone shifts, sweating helps keep your internal temperature at a comfortable 96.6 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Sweat is made up mostly of water but contains sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. What your sweat is made up of depends on which gland is producing the sweat. There are different types of glands in the human body, but only two are generally recognized:

Eccrine glands:

The eccrine glands produce most of your sweat, especially watery. Acrine sweat, however, does not taste like water, as it contains a small amount of salt, protein, urea, and ammonia. These glands are most dense on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, forehead, and armpits but surround your entire body.

Apocrine glands:

The apocrine glands are larger. They are mostly found in the armpits, groin, and breast area. These are often associated with BO and are produced more frequently after puberty. Since they are close to the hair follicles, they typically smell the worst. This is why it is said that stress sweat smells worst than other sweat.

 A person who is not very healthy loses more sodium in his sweat than a healthy person. But everyone's sweat is a bit different. The amount of sweat you produce depends on several factors Body size, Age, Muscle mass, Health status, Fitness level, etc. 

In addition to just cooling down, there are various reasons why our bodies start producing sweat. The nervous system regulates sweating related to exercise and body temperature. It triggers the Eccrine gland to sweat. Spicy foods can stimulate our sweat glands.

Another thing that can increase sweating is consuming large amounts of alcohol. Haimovich explains that alcohol can speed up your heartbeat and dilate blood vessels, which also occurs during physical activity. This reaction, in turn, creates thoughts in your body that it needs to cool itself by sweating.

Theory of Relativity - Only Science

Theory of relativity Einstein's theory of relativity is one of the most exciting theories in physics. only science 360 physics learn some more GTR STR

Theory of Relativity

Einstein's theory of relativity is one of the most exciting theories in physics. This theory created a new era in the world of physics. According to this theory, space, time, and object or mass are not absolute but relative.

Albert Einstein introduced this theory in 1905 by introducing the theory of special relativity. Scientist Sir Isaac Newton held space, time, and mass to be neutral, meaning that their values would always be constant. But Albert Einstein said that space, time, and mass are not neutral, they are variable.

There are basically two theories of relativity:
  1. General Theory of Relativity: General relativity or the general theory of relativity refers to the geometric theory of gravitation discovered by the scientist Albert Einstein in 1915-1918.
  2. Special Theory of Relativity: Special relativity or the special theory of relativity is a generally accepted and strongly supported theory of the interrelationship of space and time. Special relativity is considered a special form of general relativity.

Space, time, and mass:


Sir Isaac Newton: According to the scientist Newton, space is an absolute thing that resides within itself. It is not related to anything outside and is not affected by the environment. For example, the length of an object does not depend on the motion of the object or the observer and is unchanged in the stationary state.

Albert Einstein: The scientist Einstein proved that the three basic quantities (space, time, mass) of classical mechanics change with speed. The length of an object in motion is smaller than the length of a stationary object. Thus the length of the object is compressed with motion.


Sir Isaac Newton: According to the scientist Newton, time is inherently an absolute quantity, which depends on something outside. Thus time is universal which does not depend on the motion of the object or the observer.

Albert Einstein: An event occurring in an inert or stationary structure can be observed from any other structure moving relative to that structure and it can be seen that the time interval between events has increased. This is called time dilation. Thus time expands with speed.


Sir Isaac Newton: In Newtonian mechanics, the mass of an object is a fundamental quantity that is not dependent on its motion.

Albert Einstein: As the object moves, its mass increases. When an object is in a stationary state, its mass increases when it is in motion. When an object has a moving mass m, a stationary mass m', and an object moving at a velocity v

m = m'/(sqrt(1-(sqr(v)/sqr(c))))