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Herons Fountain

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Herons Fountain
Heron's fountain is the hydraulic machine invented by the 1st century AD inventor, mathematician, and physicist Heron of Alexandria.

Heron studied the pressure of air and steam, described the first steam engine, and built toys that would spurt water, one of them known as Heron's fountain. Various versions of Heron's fountain are used today in physics classes as a demonstration of principles of hydraulics and pneumatics.

Making Herons Fountain:

Things we will need- Three bottles, three pipes,  Driller or something like that  to make small holes, glue

Let's start: First, make two holes in the caps of the bottles then arrange them like the picture. Add some water and join them so not even a little water can drop out.

How it works: 

First water from the 1st bottle(From above) gets into the last bottle. As water comes, last bottles air goes to the middle bottle after that, middle bottle water goes to the green pipe in the picture.

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