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Branches of physics

Physics is the science of matter and its motion. The term physics comes from the Greek 'fusis', meaning "nature", and the 'fusike' means "knowledge of nature." In a nutshell, physics is a science whose purpose is to try to understand the world around us. With the maturity of physics, the physical phenomena observed in nature have been subdivided into several special branches. Although all fields of physics are simultaneously considered as a single theory, this idea has not yet been proven. The basic branches of physics are, mastering physics, physics classroom, chemistry, quantum physics, Physics, phys, Chemistry, chemistry major, Biology, Electricity, science, only science, Nadim, astronomy, software, hardware, technology, medicine, mechanical, computer, brain, kidney, Einstein, Albert, sir, Issac, newton, devices, earth, deadly diseases, human, transplants, healthier, Jet planes, escalators, black hole, pulsar, magnetar, blacklight, neutron, star, sun, space, huge, Science News, SpaceX, science daily, science articles, science news for students, scientific articles, science topics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electricity, science, only science, Nadim, astronomy, software, hardware, technology, medicine, mechanical, computer, brain, kidney, Einstein, Albert, sir, Issac, newton, devices, earth, deadly diseases, human, transplants, healthier, Jet planes, escalators, black hole, pulsar, magnetar, blacklight, neutron, star, sun, space, huge, Science News, SpaceX, science daily, science articles, science news for students, scientific articles, science topics, learn physics online, branches of science worksheet,

is the science of matter and its motion. The term physics comes from the Greek 'fusis', meaning "nature", and the 'fusike' means "knowledge of nature." In a nutshell, physics is a science whose purpose is to try to understand the world around us.

The main branches of physics

With the maturity of physics, the physical phenomena observed in nature have been subdivided into several special branches. Although all fields of physics are simultaneously considered as a single theory, this idea has not yet been proven. The basic branches of physics are:

  1. Conventional mechanics: In metallurgical mechanics, the material-scientific model of the action of the force on objects is discussed. This model is decisive (deterministic). Traditional mechanics is considered to be the limit of quantum mechanics, though it is not yet possible to prove it. Traditional mechanics can be further divided into two parts:
    1. Newtonian Traditional mechanics, named after Isaac Newton and his laws of motion.
    2. Relativistic mechanics, according to Albert Einstein and his general relativity theory and special relativity theory.
  2. Quantum mechanics: This branch discusses nuclear and ultra-nuclear systems and their relation to radiation, subject to observable amounts. The basis of quantum mechanics is the observation that all kinds of energy are released in the form of a bunch of discrete units, which are called quanta (plural). In quantum theory, only probabilistic or statistical calculations of the different properties of observable particles are possible, and they are discussed in the form of wave functions.
  3. Electromagnetism: The physics of the electromagnetic field is discussed in this branch. The electromagnetic field is a field that is pervading everywhere and can apply force to electrically charged particles. Similarly, the presence and conduction of electric charges can adversely affect an electromagnetic field.
  4. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics: These disciplines discuss heat, work and entropy. The power of macroscopic systems is discussed in thermodynamics, and the effects of temperature, pressure, volume, mechanical work, etc. are studied. In statistical mechanics, the application of statistics to the microscopic elements of macroscopic systems combines the macroscopic view of thermodynamics and the atomic behavior of materials defined in either quantum or quantum mechanics.

Branches of physics

  1. Acoustics: the study of mechanical waves in solid matter fluids, and gases (such as vibration and sound).
  2. Agricultural Physics (Agrophysics)Physiological research applied to agricultural companies
    1. Soil physics: the study of the physical religions and processes of soil.
  3. Astrophysics: The study of the physical religion of cosmic objects.
  4. Astronomy: In addition to its formation and development of the universe beyond the Earth, the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of the celestial objects (such as galaxies, planets, etc.) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as cosmic background radiation).
    1. Astrodynamics: Application of force to real problems related to the movement of rockets and other spacecraft.
    2. Astrometry: A branch of astronomy that involves the accurate measurement of the position and position of stars and other objects.
    3. Extragalactic astronomy: the branch of astronomy that is related to the outer objects of our own milky way galaxy.
    4. Galactic Astronomy: Studying our own milky way galaxy and all its contents.
    5. Physical cosmology: concerned with the fundamental questions about the large-scale structure and dynamics of the universe, and its formation and evolution.
    6. Planetary science: The planets (including the earth) Satelite, Satelite, and the planetary system, especially the solar system and their formation processes.
    7. Stellar astronomy: natural science that is the subject of cosmic objects (such as stars, planets, comets, star coordinates and galaxies) and the Earth's atmosphere (such as cosmic background radiation).
  5. Atmospheric Physics: The study of the application of physical materials to the atmosphere.
  6. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Is the study of the interaction between light and matter.
  7. Biophysics: Interactive science that uses physics to study biological methods.
    1. Medical physics: Concepts of physics, theories, and methods of medicine.
    2. Neurophysics: The branch of the organism dealing with the nervous system.
  8. Chemical physics: a branch of physics that studies chemical processes from a physics standpoint.
  9. Classical physics: Physics that predicts the emergence of quantum mechanics.
  10. Computational physics: The study and implementation of numerical algorithms for solving physics problems for which a quantitative theory already exists.
  11. Condensed matter physics: The study of the physical properties of matter-concentrated materials.
  12. Cryogenics: Cryogenics is the production of very low temperatures (-150 ° C, -238 ° F or 123 kelvin) and the study of the behavior of materials at these temperatures.
  13. Dynamics: Changes in motion and a study of  changes in motion
  14. Particle physics: discusses the structure of materials atoms and their radiation.

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